version played for review: PS1
Available on: PS1
The price I paid: ??
Other Notes: N/A
Available on: PS1
The price I paid: ??
Other Notes: N/A
Evil Survivor is a lightgun shooter set in the cannon of the main
Resident Evil story, between Resident Evil 3 and Code Veronica.
Despite being cannon this game is thought of by most fans to be one
of the worst entries in the series and after playing through the game
twice I can see why.
The story
starts with two men fighting on a helicopter before
it crashes leaving the main character with amnesia, a common cliche. The plot will vary
slightly depending on certain different paths you take through the
game. This adds some replay value but seeing as my first
playthrough only lasted about an hour and a half there is still a
shortage of content. Despite the short lengh this game manages
to drag on with the story feeling so thin and stretched out that it
just feels frustrating and tedious. The events of this game
are known as the Sheena island outbreak, one of the 3 major outbreaks
that lead to the downfall of Umbrella. This is even mentioned in the
opening of Resident Evil 0. The fact that such an important event
feels this lackluster is a failure of the pacing and writing.
It's not just
the disappointing plot that has this game feeling like it drags on with
the gameplay just as much to blame. Now to be fair to Resident Evil
Survivor it was intended to be played with the PS1 lightgun giving
it a more unique feeling. I imagine if I had played this back in the
90's with my light gun set up I would have loved it because it would
have felt like I was at the arcade. Playing this now however on a
modern TV means that the PS1 lightgun simply won't work so you're
stuck the PS1 controller. This boils Survivor down to nothing but a
really slow, dull first-person shooter with mild puzzle elements.
When I say mild I mean mild, 90% of the time the key to the locked
door is in the only other unlocked room. Honestly, they feel less like
traditional RE puzzles and more like filler fetch quests from an MMO.
All together unless you have a CRTV setup with a PS1 and lightgun
there is little the gameplay offers you.
All in all
Survivor commits a far worse sin than being awful like I expected it
to be, instead it's boring. The 90-minute playtime on my first run
felt closer to 3 hours. If the game had simply been bad, or even
terrible at least it would have amused in its failings. If you are
able to play this with the classic PS1 lightgun then it might be
worth checking out but if not then I'd say avoid it. If you are
interested in the connected lore just read the wiki page.
Rating: 2 out of 10